Savita Halappanavar, 31, died after being refused an abortion. photo source: |
Following the tragic death of Savita Halappanavar, who died
of septicaemia in Ireland last month after she was refused an abortion, it's
time to challenge the whole notion of 'pro-life'. This woman died needlessly
and could have been saved if only she had been offered an abortion.
In the UK, we falsely applaud a government that supposedly
gives women the right to choose, but her choice is ridden with biases and
patriarchal outdated laws. There have been proposals to reduce the time limit
from 24 to 12 weeks. I have a huge problem with people who oppose abortion and
want to further restrict a woman's choice. Contrary to right wing views, women
do not use abortion as a form of contraception, but as an informed, intelligent
decision over their bodies. I had a heated debate with someone who argued that
abortion is used as a compulsory tool in China due to its overpopulation. Also,
in Russia, abortions are handed out freely due to the high levels of
exploitation when a boss coerces young females into sex and unwanted
pregnancies. But surely the issue is that in China it's not a choice, while in
Russia it masks the coercive nature of male exploiters.
Health secretary Jeremy Hunt backs abortion limit from 24 to 12 weeks. source: |
Back in March, I remember reading an article in Saturday’s Guardian,
regarding abortion. I was appalled to read that children were being told that
conceiving a child out of rape can be a positive experience. This outrageous
assertion has no insight into the trauma experienced by the mother or the
child. Children should be born because they are wanted.
source: |
This paternalistic government with its neo conservative/neo liberal agenda is
intolerable. Woman need to prove that they are mentally unfit in order to be
granted an abortion, which is absurd and hypocritical and another way of
stigmatising/ controlling women’s bodies. We are regressing to a state that
wants to control and regulate women’s sexuality and reinforces the notion that
sex is an act solely for procreation. As past histories have shown, the unsafe
practises of back street abortions, and the serious implications to women’s
health, is something we do not want to go back to. Only a woman has the right
to choose what is right for her. We need to act now and support pro-choice on a
global scale. Let's spare a thought for the
Savitas of this world.
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