If we look at the United States where 1% own around approximately 38% of the wealth while the poorest amount to over 90% its a sobering thought. People living in trailers, on park benches and subways robbed of a vision. We're only here once why should a basic necessity like a home be a commodity?
Currently in the U.K the youngest people have been the most affected. Why? Let's draw parallels to the USA, in the U.K the top 1% own 24% of the wealth. The U.K is a rich country that is forcing people into foodbanks! I'm not just referring to the unemployed, disabled but working families and key workers such as nurses forced to make ends meet. I cannot accept a society that creates rich tax breaks for guess who? Right, the wealthy while the majority struggle to exist. What could be done?
We need to wake up and drop the notion of individualism adopt a collective compassionate society it will be in everyone interest. We also need to eradicate the oppressive policies adopted from the USA by Farrington that Tony Blair's government embraced in the 90s. Subsequently, this destroyed the British morale and undermined the unions in the U.K.
But as I've said, it's not solely a western problem, it's global and we can change things. If multinational corporations were forced to pay their taxes it would create a billions that could be invested in helping the most vulnerable in society. We need to ask ourselves why do governments let them get away with it? And why should the most vulnerable suffer from the greed of the most powerful?